Monday, February 18, 2013

"Smilin' Sal"

Here is the little painting that I finished this Saturday at the Sutter Creek Gallery. I was inspired to paint it as a thank you gift for one of my favorite authors, Jenna Woginrich. This young woman has inspired so many to try their hand at living a simple, back to the farm lifestyle.  I first "met" her while searching the web for info about homesteading.  I found her blog about Cold Antler Farm.  At that time she had just moved from Idaho to Vermont (if I remember correctly) and I loved her words so much that I went back and read everything I could. THEN I searched for her on Amazon, and I have been a Jenna Addict ever since. 
So ~ the painting.  
It is small ~ just 8" x 10" and is from a photo that she took of one of her sheep, Sal. It is painted in watercolor and embellished with pen and ink and Prismacolor pencils. I will scan it, then ship the original to her address in New York state. 

It is a humble and sincere repayment for all the times she made all her readers laugh and cry and long for the simple pleasures that she experiences. 

...FiddleSong Farm is thriving...

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