Sunday, February 17, 2013 favorite day...

Today, it got into the high 60's here at FiddleSong Farm.  Not a cloud in the sky, no wind. 
I decided it was a good day to work in the I dug out my oldest, most comfy jeans, a gray T-shirt and my Giants sweatshirt, scooped my ratty hair up in a clip and went out to work.  I took my little CD player and cranked up the music.  I like it loud. 
First I cleaned out the hen house. It was raked and shoveled, cobwebs swept away, and freshened up with a good load of fresh straw.
Eulah (pronounced YOU-la ;) is my constant companion. Her cheerful humming could be heard an inch from my boots wherever I stepped.  She watched carefully for any scratched up seeds or unearthed worms...


...and yes, there is a Rooster Cogburn to go with Eulah.

"Rooster Cogburn"

While I worked, raking up pine needles, pruning, digging out the ever pervasive mint, I became aware that my strength is returning. My energy levels are up. I am happier and feel better about myself than I have in a long time. My knees are covered in dirt, my face is naked, my hair is a serious problem, my nails are crescents of black ~but I love to garden...and I can't WAIT until spring!    

...I have a clean garden, and happy chickens.  All is well....

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