Saturday was the 60th Anniversary of the Fiddlers' Jam. Rick and I moseyed down the hill to have a peek and a listen. It has been a few years since we have last gone, and I won't miss another one! It was a fun opportunity to visit with neighbors, explore this little Gold Rush town, and listen to some genuine hill country music.
I couldn't help but think "Jenna should be here!!"
Extended Roots is an all gal group that demonstrates their passion for the music of America's roots.
Their beautiful music made my angels sing!!
Here is a sample of the nice croud that gathered...
Sage's Body Care offers an excellent assortment of yummy soaps and lotions! Wonderful products, nice people :)
Now, I freely admit that I was already a fan of fiddle songs :) I love hearing the old folk songs, hoe downs and waltzes. They just feel like my kind of music. They make my heart swell and tears come to my eyes. As I wandered down the middle of Fiddltown Road, I had a strong sense of belonging that I have not felt before. We have lived in this small community for nine years, and this is the first time it truly felt like home. year there will be a FiddleSong Farm booth :) See you there!?